Patch 0.02.2 - AI and player improvements

Greetings everyone! It's me, Vero!

For the past few days I've been working on another update to improve the AI and player further, making sure things go smoother. Here's the entire changelog:

-Fixed the first slide not automatically progressing during the game startup

-Fixed a bug where the player would get stuck in the walls if standing too close to them when getting into combat

-Improved the collisions for the player

-Improved the camera focusing to a middle point. It will now ignore enemies not in combat but close, and the middle point will now be properly calculated, taking into account every single AI who's currently in combat with the player

-Completely reworked the player and AI attacks, making them easier to manage in the future and a lot more consistent

-Properly tied some actions to sprite frames, making them more consistent

-Improved the AI's line of sight. They will now take both distance and actual line of sight into account

-The AI will now look for a new patrol reset point when they fall down, continuing their patrol in a new place

-The AI will no longer get stuck trying to get to the player if the player is out of their line of sight

-The AI's melee can now reach much further

-Improved the Controller hints for certain places and actions when switching from keyboard to controller or back

-Added timed vibrations to controllers for the adult animations

If you have any issues, please come to our Discord and we'll be happy to help out!

If you'd like to support our development, please consider supporting us on Patreon!

Files 10 MB
Jul 03, 2022

Get Temporal Sins


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i knew give time this little intresting find would grow time to see how much it has already